
Oma Router Bit F Ogee 2 cm and 3 cm on Sale

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Oma Router Bit F Ogee 2 cm and 3 cm

Oma Router Bit F Ogee 2 cm and 3 cm

Outstanding life and smooth finish on marble, granite, quartz, engineered stone.
What makes the OMA position 1 profile bits worth the extra money?
Alot of reasons!

1) The typical diameter of router bits these days are about 2 3/4″ in diameter. Oma bits have stayed true the the size of bits that that we all used to get. At almost 3 1/2″ in diameter, OMA is offering 30% more diameter diamond than the less expensive profile bits.
2) That diameter changes the Surface feet per minute of profiling. That means that the bit isn’t cutting as fast as the OMA bits will cut because of the smaller diameters.
3) Pure quality: Oma Bits are produced in Italy, by OMA, with OMA controlling 100% of the quality of production. This Guarantees that every bit will meet the standards that OMA routers need to be at 100% optimum performance. No outside third party to meet OMA standards
4) Pos 1 bits are produced with solid brass. This costs more than the cheap metals. But there is a great reason behind it. OMA pos 1 brass bits are designed to last for many years. Oma produces the replacement segment kits. These replacements come with the original diamond segments that come with the bit. It also comes with replacement washers, bolts, and the bearing. Simply unscrew the segments away from the brassand install the complete new replacement segments. Now you have a brand new bit at 40% of the original cost and equal to the cheaper router bits on the market, but receiving premium quality.
5) Center Water Feed: Oma bits offer center water feed so that there is always continuous water on the bits to guarantee no accidental “dry cut” and affecting the bit or the stone.
6) NO Thermic Stress: OMA bits do not receive thermic stress from the welding process, as other position 1 bits have to go through. This guarantees very long life, even wear, and a very smooth finish.
7) Smooth Finish: Although segmented, OMA pos 1 bits will always leave the stone smooth, chip free, and ready for pos 2 profile bits or hand polishing. When you watch the video of these bits work, you really see how well these perform.
8) 30%-50% savings: Due to the quality and longevity of these position 1 bits, you will find a savings between 30%-50% over a 1 year period compared to the current smaller diameter cont rim bits that are on the market now.

Position 2 –

OMA Prodiam position 2 profile router bits are diamond brazed technology bits that work excellent as:
1) Pos 1 on marble, limestone, travertine. There will be no need to use the Oma Pos 1 Segmented bits on these materials. Simply use the OMA Prodiam as your position 1.
2) Pos 2 after the Oma Pos 1 to remove the coarse pos 1 and 100% perfect the profile shape on granite, quartz and all stone materials
Designed with a steel core and brazed diamonds, the OMA Prodiam will:
1) Create the perfect shape
2) Provide a long lasting position 2 on granite and all stone materials
3) Provide the main profile for pos 3-6 OMA polishing wheels
Additional features of the OMA Prodiam Router Bit:
Pure quality: Oma Bits are produced in Italy, by OMA, with OMA controlling 100% of the quality of production. This Guarantees that every bit will meet the standards that OMA routers need to be at 100% optimum performance. No outside third party to meet OMA standards.
Center Water Feed: Oma bits offer center water feed so that there is always continuous water on the bits to guarantee no accidental “dry cut” and affecting the bit or the stone.

Position 3

OMA Extradiam position 3 profile router bits are Extra fine diamond profile wheels that starts the polishing process on all types of stone.
By not having a bearing, the bit is the bridge between the profiling and polishing wheels. This polishing phase bit plays the critical role in the edge polishing process.
Oma Extradiam is designed with a steel core with extreme high tolerance profile accuracy. Then the same perfection of extra fine abrasive diamond powder is applied at a very high density.
The result is an extremely strong, durable, and perfect wheel that that achieves an excellent extra fine diamond finish that will seamlessly lead into the 3 OMA polishing wheels.
If you want to stop at this phase and start hand polishing, A 400 or 800 grit Schein pads or start with the Weha Hybrid 2 pad.
Designed with a steel core and extra fine diamond poweder, the OMA Extradiam is:
1) The Critical bit between the profile and polishing phase of the OMA system of bits
2) The first bit without a bearing to fully engage the stone in the polishing process
3) Optimum bit before starting the OMA polishing wheels or start with hand polishing.
Recommended RPM: 2500-3500. Optimum RPM 3000
Additional features of the OMA Prodiam Router Bit:
Pure quality: Oma Bits are produced in Italy, by OMA, with OMA controlling 100% of the quality of production. This Guarantees that every bit will meet the standards that OMA routers need to be at 100% optimum performance. No outside third party to meet OMA standards.
Center Water Feed: Oma bits offer center water feed so that there is always continuous water on the bits to guarantee no accidental “dry cut” and affecting the bit or the stone.

Position 4,5,6

OMA True Life polishing wheel is a patented sintered and electroplating processes that allow the polishing wheels to offer maximum results in terms of polishing and life.
Oma True Life wheels are a solid stiff wheel that perfectly matches the metal diamond profile wheels 2 and 3. This seamlessly picks up right where the OMA Extradiam left off. Additionally, the diamond matrix that is used to make up the polishing wheels will continually expose diamond, maintains solid contact with the stone, and remove the scratches from the previous wheels. This sequence will lead to a ready to install finish.
The OMA True Life wheels, by their design, will not explode or break apart like the rubber diamond strips that are on the market today.
Designed for granite, marble, limestone, quartz, engineered stone, etc, the OMA True Life can be used on all kinds of stone.
Recommended Polishing Speed: 2500-6500 RPM. Optimum results at 3000 rpm
Additional features of the OMA Prodiam Router Bit:
Pure quality: Oma Bits are produced in Italy, by OMA, with OMA controlling 100% of the quality of production. This Guarantees that every bit will meet the standards that OMA routers need to be at 100% optimum performance. No outside third party to meet OMA standards.
Center Water Feed:Oma bits offer center water feed so that there is always continuous water on the bits to guarantee no accidental “dry cut” and affecting the bit or the stone.

Additional information

Oma Bit Size

20 (2CM), 30 (3CM)

Oma Bit - Positions

P 1 (Segmented Sint Metal), P 2 (Prodiam Cont Metal), P 3 (Prodiam Extradiam), P 4 (Prodiam Extradiam), P 5 (Prodiam Extradiam), P 6 (Prodiam Extradiam)

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